Shanti- Thermic Fluid Heater is a forced circulation system, where oil is heated in radiant and convective coils which is circulated through a pump to the process and back . The same oil is reheated, The thermic oil flows in close circuit . These are used generally where the process temperature required in high . The thermic fluid heater is manufactured as per latest technology to ensure optimum thermal & combustion efficiency. These units are deisgned for cleaner fuels like Oil / Gas the higher heat flux ensures better heat transfer. Its valves and controls are designed for smooth and safe operations. These units are fully automatic with use of one of the best combustion systems avaliable like Bentone , Oilon , Riello as per the clients preference .
Shanti Solid fuel fired Thermic Fluid Heater assembly consists of concentric helical coils housed in a sturdy shell. The coils are manufactured out of superier BS: 3059-68/PART-II / Seamless Pipes . The plates are cut to close tolerance on automatic flame cutting machines and are welded as per standard codes.
Model Name : Shanti Therm
Model No : STF-OF/GF Series
Fuels : Oil / Gas
Heat Output Capacity : 100000 Kilo calories to 40,00,000 Kilo Calories
Firing Mode : Fully Automatic
- Use of superier Boiler grade raw materials like Pipes / Tubes ensure durability and long life
- Fully automatic ensure smooth operation.
- Out side the perview of IBR / 3rd Party Inspections & registrations
- More grate area & volume & heat transfer area ensures rated output
- Air pre-heater provided for higher efficiency
- Temperature as high as 280°C
- No corrosion or scaling & Water require
- Negligible maintenance downtime
Shanti Thermic Fluid heaters are ideally suited for processes where higher temperature is required like Food process industries , solvent plants , pharmaceuticals etc.